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The short story of king tut

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The short story of king tut
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Storyboard Description

not historically accurate

Texte du Storyboard

  • disclaimer: not 100% historictly accurate
  • The short storyofKing Tutankhamun
  • I pray that my mom lives god
  • I wanna be a king
  • happy 10th birthday
  • you know god is not real right im taking you to jail
  • no please no
  • YAY!
  • happy 10th birthday
  • boy do I love my my trumpet 
  • i now pronounce you husband and wife 
  • scientists think king tut died of head injury around age 18
  • happy 18th birthday
  • happy 18th birthday
  • king tut was buried with a silver trumpet
  • king tut married his sister
  • scientists think king tut died of head injury around age 18
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