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Project ela
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Chapter 1: New Beginnings
  • Why am I nervous? This is the big day.
  • I know you got this
  • Chapter 2: Is It Time?
  • "You got this Mia"
  • Chapter 3: Till Death Do Us Part
  • You may now kiss the bride.
  • I’m feeling weird. I haven’t felt like this in a long time. Getting married to the love of your life is supposed to feel great right? Then why do I feel sick? Maybe, I’m tired or nervous. I guess it’s normal for you to get jitters on the big day. After all, it's a day for you to remember all your life. There’s also the kids part. I have a feeling that they don’t like me too much. They also scold me whenever they get the chance. I never knew why they never liked me, I’m guessing it’s because I’m not their real mother. However many times they don’t like me, I will always try my best to get them to like me. I sat there thinking about what’s about to happen and how my life is about to turn.
  • Chapter 4: Time Flies...
  • Why?...Why... would you do this...?
  • Suddenly, a person walks in. I got up quickly and turned around, only to see it was my father. He asked me “ Wow look at you” in a very loving way. I said “ Oh thank you. It took me and the hairdresser hours, so I’m happy the way it turned out.” He smiled and hugged me. He said “I’m proud of you and your mother would be too.” I said “I know” in a sad but hopeful tone. A few years back my mother was in a terrible car crash, so I know she would be happy for me right now. My father snapped me out of it and told me to start getting ready. The wedding is about to begin.
  • Chapter 5: It's Time For A Change
  • I get up and try to recollect myself. Talking to myself saying “You got this. Don’t worry.” Over and over again. Imprinting it in my brain. So I carry myself along and wait to be walked down the aisle. 10 minutes pass and I get the alert that we are now starting. I was ready and set. My father walked to me and held tight to my arm. It’s finally time to go. I got to the stairs and stood in front of my future husband, smiling at each other. 40 minutes passed and it was time to get the rings. He first put the ring on me, I did as well and locked it in with a kiss. We were now together “till death do us part”. I looked around me and everyone seemed happy, except my stepchildren. Other than that I can't wait for what there is to come.
  • Chapter 6: Maybe Things Will Never Change
  • Thanks honey
  • You're welcome honey
  • 2 years later and I have to say I feel like I don’t belong. Now don’t get me wrong I love my husband and the life is nice but the kids. I feel like they despise me. Like for example, they both trashed my room to the point where they broke everything in there, including a pair of glasses from my mother and after they do all this they laugh and say to me “It's Your Fault Things Aren't Working.” Making me cry and rethink everything. Now you might be saying why don’t you tell your husband? I have and they still act like that. I don’t know what to do, but I do know I need it to change.
  • I came up with a plan to make my stepkids like me or even love me. I figured I would do whatever they wanted. It’s not the best plan but it’s something. So my plan was now in session. Every now and then I would hand them candy and let them play their games more. Before they were only allowed to play up to 7 then watch tv to 8 then it was time for them to go to sleep. Now they stay up until 9 then go to sleep at 9:30. One day they came up to me and said “Hey I like the gifts and extra hours there are amazing but you will never be our real mother. Now I know why you didn’t have kids of your own.” It broke my heart when they said that. But I knew I couldn’t give up. Maybe now I’ll start being the strict type.
  • I started to now be a strict parent. They need to learn how to treat their own stepmother. Now they complain, argue, and talk back more. My husband pulled me aside to the kitchen and told me “I see how you’re treating the kids. I can guess they really are not respecting you?” I answer “Yes. They have been terrible to me. The first year was ok but now it's just...I don’t know how to fix it.” He grabbed my hand and peacefully told me “You don’t have to please them. They just need to learn you’re now in their lives. You don’t need to try and belong because you already belong here. You may not see it but you do.” Ever since he told me those words I took them to heart. I guess I have always belonged.
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