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In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Ponyboy Curtis (Greaser), the main character, is introduced as he is going to the movies when Socs, members of a rival gang, jump him. He is saved when a group of fellow Greasers comes to his rescue.

There is a rivalry between two major gangs: the Socs and the Greasers. The Socs are wealthy, while the Greasers are poor.

Johnny kills a Soc to protect his friend. This forces Johnny and Ponyboy to flee. While they are gone, tension mounts between the gangs. Johnny and Ponyboy take refuge in an old church. One day the church catches fire with young children inside. Johnny attempts to save them, but is badly injured.

Johnny dies from his injuries.

A major battle between the gangs happens, and Dallas dies. Ponyboy was knocked unconscious and wakes up after several days, at home. He then reconciles with his brother Darrel.

In the end, Ponyboy recovers from the emotional and physical trauma that has occurred. The novel ends with Ponyboy writing the opening line.

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When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.

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