Carole is a 25 year old marketing associate who orders food from a food delivery app when she works late.
She is very focused on her career, but she is also concerned about ensuring that she eats right.
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Optimize code for speed
Too slow, I hope it doesn't crash today.
Loading App
Give choice of enter location or deliver here
Why can't it just pick up my location?
Entering her location
Give option of close deals
I'm not interested in all these deals and promos. It' s wasting my time.
Choosing a restaurant
Provide option of profile page with user requirements eg. calories, allergies, previous orders
I wish I knew the calorie count
I hope it does not contain dairy.
It would be nice to have my own page so I can specify what I want. Then I will only see food in that category
Choosing her food
Provide fixed delivery cost
Price hike on deliveries because of traffic?UNBELIEVABLE!
Making Payment
Periodic notification showing location and estimated time of arrival
The food was supposed to get here 15 mins ago. At least I should have been notified of delays.