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Comic Strip Project

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Comic Strip Project
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Texte du Storyboard

  •  I still can't believe we're staying in the most dangerous forest in the country. I wonder what we'll come across.
  • Yeah, I'm nervous, but I think we can do it. We need to find out what's so dangerous about the place. That's the whole reason we came.
  • Later That Day
  • Ah, we're finally set up. I think it's time to eat some dinner.
  • Sounds good to me! I think my mom packed us some spaghetti that she made yesterday. After we're done, lets explore the forest.
  • This food is really goo- wait. Did you hear that?
  • Yeah, I did. It sounded like some sort of animal. Lets go check it out.
  • Hello. We are the Eclypto Ogres. If you want to leave the forest, you must successfully complete all the tasks that we'll give you. If you fail, you'll be trapped here forever. You will also have to be finished by midnight with everything.
  • I can't believe we just did all of that. We had to attack bears, go through obstacle courses, and do so much other stuff. It was so hard, but at least we now know what makes the forest dangerous.
  • Yeah, I felt like I was going to pass out, but good thing we brought weapons and worked out before coming here. We wouldn't have survived without that.
  • Congrats. You two are the first people to ever complete this. You may now leave the forest.
  • YAY! I can't believe we were the first people to complete the tasks.
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