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Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar
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  • CAESAR!!!!
  • This is no holiday get back to work!!!
  • We can't let him be king
  • Take the crown you deserve to be the king of Rome
  • Hmmmmmmm
  • For the third time No
  • Beware of the Ides of March!!
  • We must kill Caesar today conspirators for it is the Ides of March
  • We must come up with a plan to exacute this tyrant
  • I will lead him to the capitol
  • A bunch of plebeians are in the streets of Rome cheering for Caesars return home after a win in the war.
  • Et tu Brute
  • Get him boys!!
  • A soothsayer tries to warn Caesar about March 15th, but he doesn't listen. Mark Antony Offers Caesar the crown but declines it three times, while Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to help him kill Caesar with the other conspirators.
  • The conspirators are evil!!!!
  • We must kill the conspirators!!!
  • The conspirators meet up in Brutus's back yard in the very early morning of the Ides of March and plan their attack to kill Caesar.
  • One of the conspirators leads Caesar to the capital, then they kill him by stabbing him. Then everybody runs away. The conspirators then plan a funeral for Caesar and allow Antony to speak at it.
  • Brutus speaks at Caesars funeral then all of the citizens are on his side but after Brutus leaves it is Mark Antony's turn to speak and he convinces them to help kill the conspirators.
  • A war breaks out in Rome between Mark Antony and Brutus but during the war Cassius kills himself but Brutus keeps on fighting but then shortly after Brutus kills him self by running on his sword. Mark wins the war and talk about how good of a man Brutus was.
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