Wanderer comes to the King of the Geat's hall to tell the story of Grendel, a Dane terror.
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My name is Wonderer in your tongue. (2)
Stranger! What is your name? (1)
l will fuel you with a true story one close to my heart. This story of past and present and future. (2)
Alright Wanderer, it is time to sing for your supper. (1)
Because it is not finished. You must finish it. (4)
Beowulf: True? How can it be true if it's in the future? (3)
Listen! A story of heroes! A story of monsters! A story of Denmark! (1)
Ugh! The old enemy. (2)
There is a monster, Grendel. He has been terrorizing the Dane's mead hall for 12 years. Killing many in the night and sending the Danes into hiding during the night hours. (4)
Beowulf: Hadn't my father once taken refuge with the Danes? Didn't Hrothgar, the Danish king, save my father's skin? (3)
Very well, Beowulf. You have proven to be the strongest of the men here. Now prove it somewhere else! (2)
I will fight him. I will fight Grendel! (1)
*cheers (3)
A while later
We are Geats! Foes of the monster. He is Beowulf and we have heard of Grendel. (2)
Beowulf: We are friends of the Danes! Here to put an end to Grendel.(Also 2)
No man can stand against him, but go try. You may speak to the King. (3)
Who are you? (1)
I am Beowulf. The son of Ecgtheow . I am here to fight Grendel. I will fight without weapons on equal terms , as I have heard of their inability to harm him. Should I die, send my things back to Hygelac. (1)
You are welcome here, Beowulf. First before you fight, take your place at our feast. Eat and drink after your long journey. (2)
You're drunk. You don't know the story, Unferth. Besides, who are you to talk? (4)
Who are you? (2)
You cannot defeat Grendel. You're a grinning Geat! A pop.. poppycock hero! (1)
I am Unferth and I am telling you wouldn't get far with Grendel if you are the same fellow who lost in swimming against Breca. (3)
Meeting Grendel Later that night…
Beowulf, best of men, from this day on I will treat you like a son. Whatever I have on this middle-earth is yours. (3)
I had lost hope. Lost belief that anyone could end that monstrous nightmare. Twelve winters. (1)