i have made a scene from the first part of the story. I chose this scene because it shows the island. This is a good representation of the beginning of the story because it shows when Rainsford gets on the island after swimming
our main character Rainsford falls off of a yatch during the night when everyone else was asleep. He swims until he gets on an island that kinda spooked him¨
he meets General and talk about hinting until Rainsford finds out general hunts humans and he plays his game or else he would be killed,I chose this scene because it represents him and the General talking about what he hunts.The scene is from when the gets inside the house
Rainsford has to survive for 3 days so then he can leave the island,he climbs the tree and general lets him go twice, Leaving Rainsford killing some of Generalś hounds and servant.(This represents from when Rainsford was climbing on the tree and General lets him go during the night)
on the second day General hunts Rainsford again but he manages to escape the island and run away, General lets him go and goes home after he escaped(Chose the scenery because it looks like hes leaving the island a bit and this is from the middle of the story)
General goes home and sits on his bed wondering how he is going to cover the damage that happened with his hounds and servant(what its representing in the scene. Near the end of the story)
but rainsford comes back through the curtains and the General is shocked to see him here and they talk about who wins and who sleeps on the floor,and who sleeps in the bed
Rainsford end up killing General Zarrof and wins his game,From the end of the story.I chose this scenery because it shows what is happening