Hello I am a random teacher on the sidewalk and if you are interested I will show you about Chemical Reactions.Just follow me.
]Hold on I want a snickers
The 6 Chemical Properties are Light,Color change,Temperature change,unexpected smell,Precipitate,Production of a gas.
First we have light,It is when the light changes when mixing something with a chemical.Like if I put Baking soda in Dish soap and it glowed without me expecting it.
Second is color change,Color change is when you mix something with a chemical and it makes/gets a different color from what it originally was.Most of the time it is unexpected.
Third is Temperature change.It is where the temperature changes .Like let´s say I put Carbon Dioxide in a cup of COLD water and then I mix it together and the water is all of a sudden HOT.
Then there is Precipitation>It is when let´s say you put a cup of water in the freezer. The water is a Liquid and after the water is done it should be a solid (Ice) now because. of the cold temperature and that reason is the three states of matter change due to temerature.So if I leave it in a hot place the solid(Ice) will turn into Liquid again(Water) and then after a while a gas.
Then you have Unexpected smell.It is where you would expect Mixing Lemon with vanilla would smell like lemon but it smells like Chocolate.So it was UnEXPECTED.
And that´s That would you like some Chocolate Milk?
And then last we have,Gas production.This is where if I put baking soda in a cup of vanilla and it bubbled up and became bubbly more instead of liquidy.