These intolerable acts are nothing but horrible! What shall we do? This is very unfair!
We must separateat once! This tax violets our rights as British citizens! It is time for us to declare our independence from England!
How dare they! I shall hit the colony with the Intolerable acts as punishment! I shall tax their tea even higher, in fact I'll close their harbor!
Your majesty! The colonists threw chests filled with tea into the harbor as protest against the tea tax!
I agree, we shall also not forget the preamble! Let's include our indictment of the king as well.
Hello Thomas Jefferson, would you mind helping us create the Declaration of Independence?
Hmm... Alright, we shall start off with a new theory of government!
King George, our grievances are many! Here are just a few...
You have interfered with our laws! You've kept your soldiers in our country without consent. We've asked the British people to support us but they refuse!
Rubbish! Send 20,000 troops to colonies at once! They shall not defy me anymore!
Right on it your majesty! That will show them!
Did you hear? British soldiers exchanged gunfire with the Massachusettsmilitia!
The revolution has begun!!!
These intolerable acts are nothing but horrible! What shall we do? This is very unfair!
We must separateat once! This tax violets our rights as British citizens! It is time for us to declare our independence from England!
How dare they! I shall hit the colony with the Intolerable acts as punishment! I shall tax their tea even higher, in fact I'll close their harbor!
Your majesty! The colonists threw chests filled with tea into the harbor as protest against the tea tax!
I agree, we shall also not forget the preamble! Let's include our indictment of the king as well.
Hello Thomas Jefferson, would you mind helping us create the Declaration of Independence?
Hmm... Alright, we shall start off with a new theory of government!
King George, our grievances are many! Here are just a few...
You have interfered with our laws! You've kept your soldiers in our country without consent. We've asked the British people to support us but they refuse!
Rubbish! Send 20,000 troops to colonies at once! They shall not defy me anymore!
Right on it your majesty! That will show them!
Did you hear? British soldiers exchanged gunfire with the Massachusettsmilitia!
The revolution has begun!!!
These intolerable acts are nothing but horrible! What shall we do? This is very unfair!
We must separateat once! This tax violets our rights as British citizens! It is time for us to declare our independence from England!
How dare they! I shall hit the colony with the Intolerable acts as punishment! I shall tax their tea even higher, in fact I'll close their harbor!
Your majesty! The colonists threw chests filled with tea into the harbor as protest against the tea tax!
I agree, we shall also not forget the preamble! Let's include our indictment of the king as well.
Hello Thomas Jefferson, would you mind helping us create the Declaration of Independence?
Hmm... Alright, we shall start off with a new theory of government!
King George, our grievances are many! Here are just a few...
You have interfered with our laws! You've kept your soldiers in our country without consent. We've asked the British people to support us but they refuse!
Rubbish! Send 20,000 troops to colonies at once! They shall not defy me anymore!
Right on it your majesty! That will show them!
Did you hear? British soldiers exchanged gunfire with the Massachusettsmilitia!
The revolution has begun!!!
These intolerable acts are nothing but horrible! What shall we do? This is very unfair!
We must separateat once! This tax violets our rights as British citizens! It is time for us to declare our independence from England!
How dare they! I shall hit the colony with the Intolerable acts as punishment! I shall tax their tea even higher, in fact I'll close their harbor!
Your majesty! The colonists threw chests filled with tea into the harbor as protest against the tea tax!
I agree, we shall also not forget the preamble! Let's include our indictment of the king as well.
Hello Thomas Jefferson, would you mind helping us create the Declaration of Independence?
Hmm... Alright, we shall start off with a new theory of government!
King George, our grievances are many! Here are just a few...
You have interfered with our laws! You've kept your soldiers in our country without consent. We've asked the British people to support us but they refuse!
Rubbish! Send 20,000 troops to colonies at once! They shall not defy me anymore!
Right on it your majesty! That will show them!
Did you hear? British soldiers exchanged gunfire with the Massachusettsmilitia!
The revolution has begun!!!
These intolerable acts are nothing but horrible! What shall we do? This is very unfair!
We must separateat once! This tax violets our rights as British citizens! It is time for us to declare our independence from England!
How dare they! I shall hit the colony with the Intolerable acts as punishment! I shall tax their tea even higher, in fact I'll close their harbor!
Your majesty! The colonists threw chests filled with tea into the harbor as protest against the tea tax!
I agree, we shall also not forget the preamble! Let's include our indictment of the king as well.
Hello Thomas Jefferson, would you mind helping us create the Declaration of Independence?
Hmm... Alright, we shall start off with a new theory of government!
King George, our grievances are many! Here are just a few...
You have interfered with our laws! You've kept your soldiers in our country without consent. We've asked the British people to support us but they refuse!
Rubbish! Send 20,000 troops to colonies at once! They shall not defy me anymore!
Right on it your majesty! That will show them!
Did you hear? British soldiers exchanged gunfire with the Massachusettsmilitia!
The revolution has begun!!!
These intolerable acts are nothing but horrible! What shall we do? This is very unfair!
We must separateat once! This tax violets our rights as British citizens! It is time for us to declare our independence from England!
How dare they! I shall hit the colony with the Intolerable acts as punishment! I shall tax their tea even higher, in fact I'll close their harbor!
Your majesty! The colonists threw chests filled with tea into the harbor as protest against the tea tax!
I agree, we shall also not forget the preamble! Let's include our indictment of the king as well.
Hello Thomas Jefferson, would you mind helping us create the Declaration of Independence?
Hmm... Alright, we shall start off with a new theory of government!
King George, our grievances are many! Here are just a few...
You have interfered with our laws! You've kept your soldiers in our country without consent. We've asked the British people to support us but they refuse!
Rubbish! Send 20,000 troops to colonies at once! They shall not defy me anymore!
Right on it your majesty! That will show them!
Did you hear? British soldiers exchanged gunfire with the Massachusettsmilitia!
The revolution has begun!!!
These intolerable acts are nothing but horrible! What shall we do? This is very unfair!
We must separateat once! This tax violets our rights as British citizens! It is time for us to declare our independence from England!
How dare they! I shall hit the colony with the Intolerable acts as punishment! I shall tax their tea even higher, in fact I'll close their harbor!
Your majesty! The colonists threw chests filled with tea into the harbor as protest against the tea tax!
I agree, we shall also not forget the preamble! Let's include our indictment of the king as well.
Hello Thomas Jefferson, would you mind helping us create the Declaration of Independence?
Hmm... Alright, we shall start off with a new theory of government!
King George, our grievances are many! Here are just a few...
You have interfered with our laws! You've kept your soldiers in our country without consent. We've asked the British people to support us but they refuse!
Rubbish! Send 20,000 troops to colonies at once! They shall not defy me anymore!
Right on it your majesty! That will show them!
Did you hear? British soldiers exchanged gunfire with the Massachusettsmilitia!
The revolution has begun!!!