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Haitian Revolution

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Haitian Revolution
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  • On March 31, 1798, Toussaint L'ouverture, the creator of the Haitian Revolution, and the British signed a peace treaty. Louverture was recognized by the agreement as being in charge of both the entire country of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which was under Spanish rule.
  • March 1798: Saint-Domingue
  • British forces halt their defence of Saint-Domingue and engage Louverture in negotiations for peace.
  • Peace Treaty
  • This was a significant milestone, as it allowed Louverture to re-build the war torn country
  • The colonial authorities were forced to surrender on November 9, 1803, after the rebels had defeated the French troops with British assistance.
  • Despite these obstacles, Haiti established itself as the first black-led republic in history. The successful revolution of Haiti had encouraged other enslaved peoples to fight for their own peace and independence.
  • 1803: Surrenders
  • In 1801, L'ouverture pronounced all residents to be equal citizens
  • Though this was a signifcant moment in history, various groups fought for control and power over the newly independent country, it also resulted in a time of instability and violence.
  • 1804: Final years of the Haitian Revoultion
  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines
  • As the Haitian revolution came to an end in 1804, Louverture's lieutenant Jean-Jacques Dessalines proclaimed independence on January 1st of that year, so confirming Haiti's sovereignty.
  • The End!
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