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Animal Farm

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Animal Farm
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  • Exposition
  • Jones must leave!
  • Conflict
  • AHHHHH!!
  • Rising Action
  • All of the animals are at the farm and Old Major, the leader pig says that he will be gone soon and that all the animals must rebel against the farm owner Mr. Jones, and claim the farm to themselves.
  • Climax
  • AHH!!
  • A couple days later, Old Major dies while sleeping and the rest of the animals kept with what they were doing and rebelled against Mr. Jones. They decided to chase him out of the farm and take off all their shackles or rings, which resembled slavery. Now that the animals had the farm to themselves, they named it "Animal Farm" and made rules that 4 legs are good and 2 legs are bad.
  • Falling Action
  • One day, after the animals had claimed the farm to themselves, Mr. Jones was seen coming back to the farm with some other farmers by the pigeons. They quickly went and warned the other animals about the problem but luckily, Snowball had prepared a defense by reading some books and had a strategy where they attacked in different stages. At the end of the fight, one of the sheep was shot but the animals had scared off the humans once again.
  • Resolution
  • Napoleon had finally released his dogs that he had trained since they were puppies and ordered them to attack Snowball and run him off the farm. Now that Snowball was gone from the farm, Napoleon could have absolute power with his guard dogs and nobody else was brave enough to stand against him. With his power, he decided that all the animals would work more and harder so that they could make a windmill to make jobs easier.
  • The humans come and attack again, but this time they had more people and the animals were not as ready as they were the first time. All of the humans held guns and the animals had to retreat back into the barn. They watched as one of the men drilled a hole and put an explosive inside of the windmill. They all ran and there was a big boom as the windmill turned into smoke and appeared as if the two years work was never there.
  • One night, the animals on the farm hear a great uproar from the farmhouse where the pigs were, so they decided to wander over and see what was happening. The peeked through the window and saw some of the pigs, including Napoleon, sitting at a table with Mr. Bilkington and some other men and playing cards while drinking beer. This confused all of the animals because they thought that humans were the enemy.
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