Maden Lozel barrows a necklcae from her friend because shes invited to a party and she wants jewlerly. Madem Lozel runs off and loses the necklace. She works ten years to pay off the necklace. At the end of the story she finds out that the necklace was fake.
The Possibility of Evil
In Cask of Amontillado Amonotollado has a close frined who messes with him a lot, and he has had enough of it. Atmontillado gets his friend really drunk and brings him into the chambers. His friend thinks that they are just gonna try some new drinks but thats not what Amontillado is planning. Amontillado begins tourtureing him in the chamber making sure that he knows sthat Amonotollado is the reason he dies.
Lamb to The Slaughter
The story The Lottery is about somone who wins the lottery. Tessie is a woman with 3 kids and one day three was a lottery going on and the poeple in the town gatherd to see if they would win. Everyone exected a man to win so when Tessie won the lottery at the end of the book everyon was upset. Everyone gatherd around her and threw rocks at her, Including her children.
The Most Dangerous Game
The story The Possobility of Evil is about a old lady who wrote mean letters to people but were nice to their faces,she always wrote them with diffrent handwriting, diffrent pen and a diffrent note pad. One day she dropped one of her noets and a boy found it and deliverd it to the house. She got back to her house and was confused on how they found out it was her.
In Lamb to the Slaughter she had a husband who told her he wanted to get devoiced when she is pregnant. She says she wanted to go make him dinner and when she went to the kicten she grabs a frozen peice of meat and hits him on the back of the head. In the end of the story she got away with it.
In the story The Most Dangerous Game Rainsford fell off a boat and swam to a island. He met somone named Zaroff who loved hunting. Zaroff begain hunting Rainsford, near the end Rainsford jumped off a cliff and pretended to kill himself and ran back to Zaroffs house and hid in his closet. When Zaroff found him the fought and Rainsford won and Zaroff died.