The lyrics must tell a story.Voice over of Neil Young quote:"If you don’t have an idea and you don’t hear anything going over and over in your head, don’t sit down and try to write a song. Go mow the lawn.”
Lyrics should have consistency, repetition, alliterative/phonetic patterns, lyrical ambiguity.
Melody – Should have a memorable melodic motif to start with. Then need to work on simple chord structures, variations in pitch and length, chorus that contrasts with the verse.
There is no right or wrong way or order of creating a song. Individual choice whether you start with words or a melody. Images – Paul McCartney started with a melody, Taylor Swift starts with words.
Need to go with the creative flow. You cannot force the process along a timeline or external schedule.Show Stevie Wonder quote
"Everyone at Motown would love if I could have [been motivated by deadlines.] But if it doesn’t feel right, it’s just not done.”
Necessary to note down any inspiration, whenever it strikes. Note it in a diary or in a voice memo.
Refine and revise - maybe take feedback from friends/collaborators. Contrast approaches of Ed Sheeran, Swift, Stevie Wonder
There is an almost mathematical quality of the coming together of the various elements says John Mayer. Music should fuse into the lyrics should fuse into the creative vision should fuse into the singer. Only then is the song good.
Don’t give up and don’t be disheartened during the process.
”Out of 7 billion people in the world, at least one person will like your song.”
Above all, you must have a story to tell, tell it in your own voice. Only then will it be believable and authentic.Add Pharell feedback clip.
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