Ian’s Strange ConditionIan Nicol, a riveter, notices a bald patch forming on the back of his head, which slowly grows larger and takes on the shape of a face. His doctor and a specialist reveal that he is splitting in two, something unusual but not entirely unheard of in the world of microbes, though quite rare in humans. Ian is advised to stay in a hospital for observation.
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The Split CompletesAs Ian stays in the hospital, the division of his body intensifies. He eats voraciously before slipping into a coma, during which his body finishes the splitting process. His brain, spine, heart, and other organs duplicate, leading to two identical Ian Nicols, both physically complete.
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Conflict and New Identities Once the two Ians are fully formed, they begin to resent each other, fighting over their identity, belongings, and even legal status. A medical test reveals that one Ian has no navel, distinguishing him as the "second" version. This Ian changes his name to Macbeth. Although they part ways, they remain in contact, with the latest development being that both now have bald patches forming once again.