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The Beggar - Story Board By Praveen

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The Beggar - Story Board By Praveen
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Kind Sir, have pity, turn your attention to a poor, hungry man!
  • Its been 3 days since I ate anything; I haven't five copecks for a lodging too.
  • For eight years I was a village school teacher and then I lost my place and fell a victim to calumny. Its been a year since I have had anything to do...
  • Hold on Mister. Aren't you the one who met me day-before-yesterday in Sodivya street? But you told me then that you were a student who had been expelled!
  • Sir! I can explain, i am neither a student nor a teacher, i was removed from the Russian Choir for drunknness...
  • I agree sir, but what else can I do, I am obliged to lie...
  • N-No, that can't be so--
  • Get yourself to work!This is certainly not the way one can live their life
  • Have done with that lying!! I am calling the police for this act of dishonesty! 
  • I wouldn't refuse, but even skilled wood-cutters find themselves sitting without bread.
  • Yes sir, I will....
  • Very well, we'll soon find out.
  • Will you come and chop wood for me?
  •  How would you like to chop wood for me?
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