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Tragic story of the school project.

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Tragic story of the school project.
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  • IM so bored in this house and mom never lets me go anywhere !!! *sarah begins to think to herself* OH Snap I almost forgot I have a group project thats due monday.
  • Maybe i'll ask mom can I go to my friend Sam's house to finish up the project before she goes to work. If she says no i'll just sneak out and take her other car teehehe.....
  • MOM.... Can I PRETTY PLEASE go to my friends house.We have to finish up a major project.
  • NO!! for the 50th time sarah. I don't know those people. Now leave me alone I have to be to to work in 5 minutes i'm already late as it is BYE!
  • Whatever!I'm outta here!!
  • *mom leaves for work and closes the door*
  •  Im doing pretty good to say I don't have a permit! 20 min later.... OH NO WHAT is that in the road.*sarah begins to swerve the car* BAM!!
  • Ouch my left leg hurts and I can't move it.*sarah said to herself**sarah crippled out the car to see what damage has been done to the car* Nooo *sarah cried* Mom's car is totaled!! What makes it worse is I hit sam's dog.
  •  (sam) Whats all this ruckus about. sam say's as she contiued to walk out her house. OMG!sarah did you hit my dog... That does not matter right now let me call 911 to make sure your ok.
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