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dragon warriors part two

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dragon warriors part two
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  • And we'll go to the Sky Kingdom tomorrow!
  • You've been saying that for the past three hours!
  • If you're that tired we'll stop here for tonight!
  • I'm tired!
  • You up?
  • Do you really think we can save the world?
  • Thanks
  • You have to have confidence, your majesty
  • I am now, whats wrong
  • My home!
  • Mom!
  • Son! I have missed you!
  • Uncle!
  • Young prince, it is time I teach you how to use the Air Ultra Stone!
  • Yeah! Let's go tell the others!
  • After hours of flying
  • Your uncle is going to teach you how to use the Air Ultra Stone?!
  • Master I know where the dragons chosen by the spirits are, and the Air Ultra Stone!
  • Tell Zaltac to find my son and the other dragons to escape!
  • OK uncle, tell mom I love her
  • ...but the fire kingdom falls to the same fate as the Sky Kingdom
  • Go now my nephew, Zaltac has the Ultra Stone and he will take care of you
  • Ok Zaltac
  • We stop here for the night
  • The next few days Torch and Timber learn how to control their elements in combat
  • Sleep well dragons, tomorrow we go to Fire Kingdom
  • In the fire kingdom Torch meets with his father...
  • We must teach you how to fight...
  • After fleeing the Fire Kingdom the group landed 2 days flight from the Earth Kingdom
  • ...and use the ultra stones
  • Very nice dragons!
  • But when they arrive at the Earth Kingdom
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