Acid rain is formed from Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxides reacting with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the after they are emitted into the atmosphere. This reaction makes sulfuric and nitric acid and then mix with water to make the rain acidic.
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Although a small amount is from natural sources such as volcanoes, the majority is created by humans through power plants, manufacturing, and transportation.
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Acid Rain can kill trees and plants. Aluminum is leached in the soil and water sources, and is harmful to most living organisms. It gets rid of important minerals and nutrients that plants need to survive. Acidic fog may also kill the foliage of trees.
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Bodies of water are the most affected, as they retain the acid. Certain species are sensitive to the change in pH and will die fairly quickly, while others can stand up to a certain point. In general, the young are more sensitive. At a certain point, some bodies of water might not have any fish, as even the more durable ones might die due to their prey being more sensitive.
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Another problem from acid rain is that occasionally a body of water will temporarily have the effects of acid rain due to an excessive amount of rain or melted snow. This is called episodic acidification and is caused due to large amounts of acidic depositions and can cause huge stress on an ecosystem and injure or kill species.