Hmm, I need to think up a password for this game login. Oh, and a username too, something funny that my friends would laugh at. I should ask Mum what to do.
Your password though is highly sensitive, and shouldn’t be anything personal, like a birthday or important date, a name of a pet, etc. You should be careful when choosing one. Try using the password generated by your web-browser, or use leet speak to make it more difficult to guess, along with other numbers and symbols.
Your username will be public to everyone, so while you can make it funny, you need to make sure that it’s respectful to the other people playing the game, as they might not be in on your joke.
Hey Mum, what do you think I should do about a password and username? I want to make it really funny for my friends.
If you keep those ideas in mind when creating online profiles, you should be safe and secure. Make sure you take advantage of other safety features as well, such as two factor authentication.
Thanks Mum, that was really helpful. I’ll use those tips to create my profile, and make it safely.