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Agent 99 Goes Solo

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Agent 99 Goes Solo
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  • That was a close one
  • shoe box
  • Jessie felt as if someone had waved a wand and turned her entire body to stone. Every muscle froze; the air locked in her lungs; even her eyes refused to blink. She pressed her back against the wall of the house prayed to be invisible. The two boys, though, never turned around. They raced off the porch without a single backward glance and ran toward the barn. Within ten seconds they were gone, and Jessie and Maxwell were left alone on the wide wooden porch.
  • Jessie scooted off the porch in her low-to-the-ground crouch and hurried across the open font yard to the barn. One quick glance over her shoulder told her that Maxwell was staying behind. She'd have to do this bit of spying alone. Agent 99 goes solo. The large sliding door to the barn was open just a foot, but Jessie didn't want to spy from there. If the boys came barreling out the door, she'd get caught for sure.
  • "What are they doing?" a voice whispered nearby. Jessie nearly dropped her pencil, she was so startled. In the dim light, she could just see Maxwell peeking around the corner of the barn. He'd snuck up close to her without her even hearing him! He really did have all the skills of a good spy. She motioned for him to come over, and Maxwell glided noiselessly over the snow. She pointed to her diagram and then pointed at the window and shrugged her shoulders.
  • To show that she didn't know what was going on inside. Maxwell poked his head up and looked through the window. "Whats in the box?" Maxwell whispered to Jessie. Jessie had forgotten all about the shoebox that Jeff had been carrying before. It sat on the floor a few feet away from the boys with a rock resting on its lid. Jessie shook her head. The boys tested the spools by spinning them on Their nails. The spools spun wildly, making a whirling ring, clacking noise.
  • That made the boys laugh. Jessie was intrigued. The boys didn't seem mean at all! They were building something new, and Jessie liked to do that, too-whether it was making a complicated track for racing marbles or a lemonade stand with hand-painted signs and a canopy. Next to her, Maxwell started making this puffing sound. Jessie looked over at him and shook her head sharply. If they blew this stakeout, they weren't going to get a second chance to find the bell before tonight. Maxwell put a hand over his own mouth and started to rock back and forth. His eyes were glued to the window like he was watching a horror movie.
  • Jessie turned back in time to see Mike pick up the shoebox and reach a hand under the lid. Jeff crowed close to Mike, and for a minute, Jessie couldn't see what they were doing. Then Mike held up his hands, and Jessie could see that he was holding a frog-a live frog! It's back legs kicked a couple of times, dangling below Mike's hands. Mike held the frog up while Jeff tied one of the strings attached to the nail to one of the frog's front leg. Then he tied the other string to the other front leg. Jessie couldn't figure out what they were planing to do. Maxwell started doing a noise Jessie had never heard from him. It was like a moan.
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