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Spelling Bee

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Spelling Bee
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Storyboard Description

Treat everyone with respect. Having a disability doesn't make you dumb or different. Everyone is equal and having a disability means that you can be smart.

Texte du Storyboard

  • Hi Mr. J, I was wondering if  I could compete in the spelling bee this week?
  • I have also learned from you and Dr. King, that everyone is equal and we should not be treated differently, like he said, " No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
  • 1st Place
  • I am so glad you are understanding now.
  • I'm not sure if that's the best idea, especially for you.
  • What do you mean? You said everyone is able to compete, and like Dr. King said, " I have a dream" to win in the spelling bee.
  • Well... I think it would be too advanced for your learning level. Since... you have autism.
  • Like Dr. King said, "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
  • I don't think you should judge me based on. my disability. I have one of the best grades in my class! My disability isn't always a disadvantage.
  • Everyone should be treated the same, no one should be judged no matter the circumstance.
  • Fine you can enter the spelling bee, but you wont get too far in the competition.
  • Can I also compete in the spelling bee?
  • Even though you don't have the best grades ... you can still compete. Your competitor's has no chance anyway so you might have a chance of winning!
  • Spell the word authentic
  • athentic
  • 15
  • authentic
  • and the winner is... contestant 100!
  • 100
  • I am very sorry for what I said. I have learned now that I should never treat people different based on there race, or disability. I will treat everyone with respect and equally.
  • 1st Place
  • Thank You!
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