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Qin Shi Huang Storyboard

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Qin Shi Huang Storyboard
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Early Reign
  • I rule all at 13!
  • Purge
  • Great Works
  • Qin Shi Huang was only thirteen when he became emperor! Lu Buwei was his prime minister and also maybe his father. Lu Buwei ruled for eight years in his stead, until Qin Shi Huang could rule by himself. 
  • During the Warring States period, when there was a lack of authority, philosophers and artists flourished and created schools. Qin Shi Huang perceived these schools as threats to his rule, and ordered all books, not linked to his reign, to be burned in 213 BC. He also had around 460 scholars buried alive, just from disagreeing with him, and 700 more killed.
  • After the Qin Empire was unified, they faced a northern threat by the nomadic Xiongnu. To face this threat, Qin Shi Huang built a vast defensive wall, later to be known as the Great Wall of China. This wall was built by slaves and criminals between 220 - 206 BC, and most of them died during the task.
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