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Professional Communication Assignment
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Sender: AlisaReceiver: Jackson
Hey! Did you hear about the new test coming up this week
Receiver: Alisa Sender: Jackson
I need some sleep
Hello? Jackson?
Sender: JacksonReceiver: Alisa
Oh sorry! yea what were you saying? No I didn't hear about the test
Alisa! Mom is calling you!
Message: Alisa is calling her friend, Jackson Encoding:she wants to let him know about the test next week Chanel: The call is on the Phone.
Maybe I should check the teachers plan
Internal Noise/Barrier: Jackson was tired today and he didn't pay attention to what Alisa was saying
How about you come study at my place!?
External Noise/Barrier: Alisa's sister is calling her older sister as the same time Jackson replies Feedback: Jackson replied to Alisa's question
I should bring my backpack and probably review my book
Sounds good!!
Decoding; Jackson starts thinking about what he should do in order to pass the test.
Sender: JacksonReceiver: Alisa
Message: asks to meet up Encoding: Alisa wants to study for the test
Sender: JacksonReceiver: Alisa
Feedback: Jackson accepts the offer Decoding: Starts thinking about what he should bring for the study session and what to study
Sender: JacksonReceiver: Alisa
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