This show Peter the Hermit leading his "army". His army consisted of many untrained individuals. This included untrained men, women, and even children.#160;
Follow me my noble legion
In the actual crusade there were as many as 150,000 people attending.
The First Crusade
Well uh... this is awkward
Die you weak peasant. My worth is far greater than yours
This shows the untrained crusaders dying quickly. The other armies followed after.
The First Crusade Part 2
This will never work!
This is basically#160;the entirety of The Second Crusade
The Second Crusade failed for many reasons. Leaders argued .(as you see now).
This is another reason why the Second Crusade failed.
You guys are so annoying!
Look and you; pitiful!
Please stop,#160; please!
This show the crusaders being cruel and disrespectful to the Muslims in Palestine
And I, King Richard 1. I hereby sign this truce with Saladin to end this crusade.
I, Saladin hereby sign this truce with Richard 1 to end this crusade
The Third Crusade was led by the rulers of England. Richard 1 became the leader of this crusade.
Hurry up! We have to loot the capital
Okay lets go.
This is the Fourth Crusade. This image shows the crusaders attacking invading and attacking Constantinople.