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Practices makes you better

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Practices makes you better
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  • James and Sam talk in the bus about the basketball team.
  • Hey James, have you ever played basketball before? I heard that there are going to make a team in the school, maybe you should try it out.
  • Yes, I have played basketball before, but only a few times. I should try to join the team. I want to play more basketball.
  • James and the basketball coach talk about James's wish to join the team.
  • Yes coach! I have practiced baskeball before, so I want to keep learning how to play!
  • Well, you have to practice a lot to join the team, but if you practice a lot you can be part of the team!
  • James, I heard from Sam that you want play basketball with the team right?
  • Thank you for helping me practice you guys. I think I can make the team now.
  • James practiced with his friends four times a week in order to get into the team.
  • Yes! Micah is right! Practice really makes you better, and you are practicing a lot James.
  • James you are getting really good! If you keep practicing like this, you will totally make the team!
  • The Day of The Basketball tryouts Sam wishes James good luck.
  • Thanks, dude.
  • Hope you make the basketball team today, man.
  • Since James practiced so much, he did really good in the team tryouts.
  • I wish I practice as much as James!
  • Nice Job James! You are so good! Practice really payed off.
  • Sam congratulates James for making the team and asked him how he got so much better.
  • Dude, you made the team! Congratulations, but how did you get so much better so fas?
  • Thanks Sam! Honestly I practice four times a week until the tryouts. Practice was the best way to get better
  • So, if you want to get better at someting ,you should practice a lot, and with time you will be better.
  • Wow James really got better with practice!
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