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the cars are about to hit going toward each other
The cars hit each other and crashed
The cars crashed and they went in opposite directions which explains Isaac newtons third law of motion. That for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction where the cars hit and went in opposite reactions with the same force
This car which has mass has no force pushing or pulling it so it is not aaccelerating
the car has a engine that provides force which enables it to accelerate
if there is more of a mass then it would need to take more force to accelerate it
If there is less of a mass then you will not need as much force to move it. The second law of motion says that acceleration occurs when a force acts on a mass. The amount of mass and force determines how much acceleration when there is more mass there is a lower acceleration. When there is more force there is a higher acceleration
this car is not moving and since there is no force the car is not moving
The car moved forward because the engine on the car moved the car forward
the first law of motion state that an object at rest stays at rest unless a outside force acts on it. So if the car is still and nothing touches it it will not move. If the engine turns on something is acting on it and moving it.
The laws of motion by Loudin Rodriguez
5 meters
it goes five meters in 3 secoonds
The End