Toxic materials such as benzene, vinyl hydrochloride, and phthalates are used in the production of plastic. These are known to cause cancer, to affect fertility, to disrupt our endocrine glands, to cause birth defects, and to cause other health problems.
Plastic Research Foundation
Hi I am Bob the reporter can you please tell us some negative impact of plastic around the world
Plastic pollution occurs when plastic products accumulate in our environment to the point where they negatively impact our environment and living organisms. It can contaminate our land and oceans, as well as organisms' food and water sources, with hazardous chemicals.
Plastic hasnegativeeffects onenvironment .
Plastic pollution is primarily caused by household waste. which is not well recycled, is carried by the Winds pushed into sewers and streams by rains rivers, and then into the oceans.
Plastic Cause ourhouseholdwastes and poorrecycling
It has a disastrous effect on aquatic life. Plastic waste is reported to be consumed by around 200 different species of animals. It is mistaken for food by animals and birds, who eat it, and we eat it.
Animals and mistakeit for food
Plastic pollution has an impact on the water, the land, and the atmosphere. Plastic emits a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. When plastics are burned, pollutants are released into the air, causing respiratory difficulties.
Environment ishighly effected!!
Every second, 160,000 plastic bags are used around the world, and these bags are non-biodegradable. In 700 years, it begins to deteriorate. This means that all of the plastic ever manufactured has not yet decomposed.
Plasticconsumption isvery high andare non-biodegradable
Thank you for this information hope we see zero plastic soon