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The French Revolution

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The French Revolution
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  • Weak and Unfair Ruling Under the King and Queen
  • I need my taxes peasants!!
  • Where are my new robes?!
  • Ancien Regime and the Unfair System of the 3 Estates (15th-18th century)
  • Tennis Court Oath and the Creation of the National Assembly (June 20, 1789)
  • We must band together!!!!!!
  • One of the causes of the French Revolution was poor leadership under King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. King Louis was unfair to the Third Estate in every way and Marie Antoinette carelessly spent money and she hated the poor.
  • Storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789)
  • Due to King Louis XVI's unjust ruling, there was unfair treatment to the 3rd Estate by the 1st and 2nd Estate. When it came to voting, the 3rd Estate was outvoted by the 1st and 2nd Estates. This angered them and caused them to riot and form a type of alliance in the future.
  • Women's March on Versailles (October 5, 1789)
  • We want food!!!!!
  • The Third Estate got so fed up with the King that they got together and formed The Tennis Court Oath. This state that they would not disband until a new constitution was written for the French society.
  • Reign of Terror led by Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety (Sep 5, 1793 – Jul 28, 1794)
  • Due to the poor ruling under the king, the peasants got angry and rioted. They stormed the Bastille and took guns and ammunition. They also freed the prisoners that were kept there.
  • Give us equal rights!!
  • The Women's March on Versailles was a riot for bread. The French economy was so poor that it led to a scarce stock of bread and higher prices. This march was a movement against these issues.
  • The Reign of Terror was a time when over 17,000 enemies of the French Revolution. Robespierre was the leader of the Committee of public safety and he also demanded that enemies be executed. It was a time of blood and violence.
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