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Awww, that’s quite sad bro. Your group will eventually decide your topic soon
Finally, I got some work done last night on our assignment in PH 175. It was really hard finding the right sources
Yeah right, I pulled an all-nighter just to finish the discussion section of our paper
You guys are still lucky. My group still needs to decide what kind of law are we going to discuss since most of it were already taken by the class
Maybe they do not have stringent protocols when it comes to solid waste management and a group dedicated in monitoring their community.
Speaking of PH 175, I have read last night an article in the internet that at least 10 persons were sent to the hospital in a community in Florida because of improper waste disposal where the citizens have been irresponsibly dumping their wastes near a water fountain
Really? That news is quite unsettling, Mat. Even though it is right under their noses, the authorities still failed to recognized the impacts of their actions?
Sure Jus. Generally, RA 9003 is a law that provides the necessary policies and framework in order to reduce the amount of solid waste in the community up to 25%
It uses various methods, such as the already established 3R, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and creating of solid waste facilities, like materials recovery facilities, to prevent irresponsible practices in discarding wastes.
25% Reduced Solid Waste
I have read that law while searching on the internet about what to discuss in our paper. However, I did not really dwell too much since your group already picked that. Can you discuss it to us?
Fortunately for us we have the Republic Act 9003, which is the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, to help address problems related to solid waste management
Another thing about this law is that it enjoins various government sectors and NGOs to cooperate in the implementation of policies under the law.