Hercules was on a hunt to get 3 golden apples for his King.
Hercules had to meet the old man by the sea in order to get the path of the golden apple.
In the morning hercules made his way to the old man by the sea but he didn't know that the old man could change into anything.
He met the old man and the old man changed into a bull and then said what are you doing.
Hercules said he just wanted the golden apple and the old man said.
the old man said take my advice and go to atlas the king of the sky Atlas.
Hercules was happy and took the old mans advice.
Hercules found atlas and said can you get the golden apples for me so i can get it to my king.
Atlas said ok hold the sky for me while i get it but Hercules didn't know that Atlas would make him hold the sky for a long time.
Hercules held the sky while atlas was getting the apple but he soon thought if atlas would play tricks with him and atlas did making him hold the sky for a long time.
Atlas came back with the apples but said i didn't fell like holding the sky but Hercules played him and got the apples and ran away with atlas holding the sky.