In December of 1606 with 144 colonists set sail for Virginia in search for gold for the Virginia Company. The colonists araived in April of 1607 and settled in Chesapeake Bay
When they landed in Virginia they right away started looking for gold. But the colonists never did find gold. Insted they found many hardships like disease and hunger. But they survived because of the hard work of John Smith and Pochantas keeped everybody on track.
John Smith also built ties with the Powhatan people. But in late 1609 John Smith got injured so he had to return to England. When John Smith left Powhatan stopped giving them food and this is when the starving time began.
Somehow the colonists did survive and more colonists arived from England. The colonists did not find gold but they did find a way to pay the investers. They began growing tobacco thanks to John Rolfe using seeds from the west indies. Sone everybody was planting this crop.
After the discovery of tobacco Viginia started to expand. Relantions also started to get better after John Rolfe married the Chief's dautghter Pocahontas. Also the Virginia began giving headrights of 50 acres to sttlers who paid the colony. This helped the colony succeed.
The Virginia company was getting bigger but it was not making enough money for the shareholders and had many financial troubles. In 1624 King James took away the company's charter and it became a royal colony