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What was the slave trade

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What was the slave trade
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  • Slave trade
  • Slave trade triangle
  • Middle-passage
  • The slave trade is when human beings are bought and sold (instead of goods). Slavery became a profitable international business that earned people millions. They exchanged black criminals  for goods.
  • People involved
  • Slaves ended up in North and South America and the West Indies as a result of a three-legged trading journey known as the slave trade triangle. The whole journey might take 6 months.
  • People involved
  • Is the second part of the ship's journey. The ship is loaded with the slaves and they are taken on a two-month journey across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Britons
  • Queen Elizabeth I was a business partner of John Hawkins. He made so much money that he asked the british Queen herself if he could include his new-money making scheme on his family's coat of arms (family shield).
  • King Charles II was a partner in the Royal African Company, a slave trading business that transported 60,000 slaves from Africa between 1680 and 1688.
  • 1. Ship owners (allowed their ships to be used).2. Bankers (lent them the money) 3. Investors (shared in the profits) 4. Importers (brought in the goods that slaves farmed
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