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The Nullification Crisis
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Did you know, now there is a tax on imported goods
Yes! I actually passed it!
Unfortunately, being a southerner makes it hard to buy all of my imported goods because of expenses .
This tariff is just unbearable! Tariff of 1828, more like tariff of abomination!
You're right! We should be able to nullify this Tariff! STATES HAVE RIGHTS TOO!
We are South Carolina!
This tariff is just evil! I can't take it anymore!
They think we won't secede, but we will !
I'm going to argue for state rights against this darn federal government, enough is enough!
The people of South Carolina are Right! This tax is unfair and we have every right to nullify it!
How come the north gets all the money and we are stuck with expenses on our goods!
They are getting too out of hand, I must enforce the Force Bill, a couple troops won't hurt.
This tax is really working wonders and the south wants to be selfish and nullify my protective tariff!
The union must always come first, our economy in the north is growing like crazy!
Absolutely not! The union comes first and the North is making so much money!
This tax is totally unfair and we as a state have the right to nullify it!
How about we compromise and slowly lessen the tax over the years?
Jackson gets his money, and Coulhan's taxes loosen up.
Well in the end we both get what we want.
I saved the day!- Compromise Tariff of 1833
I would call this a victory for both sides.
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