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  • Oedipus was born to King Laius and Queen Jocasta. King Laius is warned by an oracle that if he has a son, his son will kill him and marry his wife. He gives his son to a servant to take Oedipus to the top off the mountain and leave him to die.
  • The servant couldn't leave the child to die so he gave him to a shepherd walking by. The servant couldn't take care of the child so he gave him to King Polybus and Queen Merope to adopt.
  • After many years Oedipus talks to an oracle and is told that he will kill his father and marry his mother. So he decides to leave Corinth and travels to Thebes. On his way he crosses paths with a chariot driven b King Lais. They get into an argument and Oedipus kills King Lais in self-defense.
  • Oedipus continues to travel to Thebes and encounters a sphinx outside of the city. The sphinx asks all travelers a riddle and if they get it right they get to enter the city, if answered incorrectly they are killed and eaten. Oedipus answered the question correctly. Whoever rid the sphinx from the city would become king and receive the queens hand in marriage.
  • Oedipus becomes king and marries Queen Jacosta. Together they have 4 children. A plague hits and they find out that it won't go away till the find out who killed the king. Whoever that is must be exiled from Thebes.
  • The truth is told and Oedipus is the one who killed the King(his birth father), he had no idea. He also married his birth mother. Queen Jacosta hung herself. When he finds her he stabs his own two eyes out. Oedipus is then exiled from Thebes and later dies alone in Colonus.
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