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Human impact on earth

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Human impact on earth
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  • Hello my name is goose you see this forest behind me its very beatiful right!
  • Unfortunaly because of humans cutting down lots of trees that forest could end like this or worse. 
  • This happens because humans want to build buildings, schools, stores and homes and people cutting down tress.
  • That can effect your favorite places to turn like this all those things can cause plants to die and turn a green place desert like and all your favorite animals will have no where to go .
  • There are many ways you can help forests not just by leaning about it like anyone else can you do more. If you would like to help out more plant trees yourself or use less paper. This makes you more involved and will actually help with what is going on.
  • There are orginaztions helping out just like the Canadain forestry assosiation they teach kids just like yourslef how you can help out. They protecting the wildlife water and trees. 
  • Help me and orginazations with protecting forests so we can have a beatiful earth!
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