OMG! That's a nebula over there! That is the beginning of a new star! Nebula are clouds of dust and gas, floating around in space.
About 10 million years later, the nebula is turned into a protostar. A protostar is mass of gas that is one of the earliest formations of a star.
Later, nuclear fusion occurs, creating a low mass main sequence star. Nuclear fusion is when particles smash together.
This boi got big, red, and cold. This is a red giant, and this is a star in an intermediate phase with a low surface temperature and a red hue.
The red giant eventually turns into this, a really sick looking nebula! This is a planetary nebula. It is ring shaped and is formed by the expanding shell of gas released by an aging star.
When our little star here is living out its final days, it becomes a white dwarf, which is the result of the star losing all of its central nuclear fuel. Later, it will end its saga and become whats known as a "black dwarf. This is when the white dwarf cools down and no longer emits heat or light.