The battle of Bosworth started on 22nd of Augaust 1485, Henry Tudor landed in wales with about 2000 men but gathered more on his way.
Will you join me to Kill Richard?
Yes I will
Before the battle commenced Henry needed more men, so he asked his step father Lord Stanley to lend him some. Stanleys eldest son was imprisoned by Richard.
Would you lend me men?
I will but not at the start...
I have many men from Stanley and Henry is far away. There’s no reason to start a war
When Richard first heard about Henry he did nothing. Until he realized that he was a threat. Richard had 12000 men and Henry 5000 but 4000 of Richards men were secretly on Henry’s side.
The battle of Bosworth began on 22nd of Augast 1485, Henry Tudor landed in wales with 2000 men but gathered more on his way
The battle of Bosworth began on the 22nd of augast 1485, Henry Tudor landed in wales with about 2000 men but gathered mor on his way
When Richard first heard about Henry he did nothing.Until later he realized that he was a threat. Richard had 12000 men and Henry 5000 but 4000 of Richards men were secretly on Henry’s side
When Richard firstheard about Henry he did nothing. Until later he realized that Henry was a threat. Richard had 12000 men and Henry 5000 but 4000 of Richards men were secretly on Henry’s men