" Tom was god knows where. I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling..." (pg.16)
Daisy states she wakes up in the hospital room feeling abandoned without Tom's presence. Instead she woke up and Nick was there with her. She had gained hope thinking her husband would have been there but was soon disappointed. Daisy states, "Tom was god knows where..."( Fitzgerald 16) The authors purpose was to create the idea and theme of disillusionment.
Gatsby was so excited for daisy to have a great time at the big parties he throws at his mansions. However sees Daisy not having a fun time and loses doubt in their relationships. Gatsby states, " ... she didn't have a good time." ( Fitzgerald 109) This proves that she didn't have as good as a time as he believed she would.
" She didn't like it, she didn't have a good time " ( Fitzgerald 109)
Nobody saw Gatsby's death coming. He was shot by George Wilson so randomly and was a sudden disappointment to many. George Wilson states, " ... paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. " ( Fitzgerald 136) This proves disillusionment because he killed Gatsby with no warning.
George Wilson
Gatsby shot and dead
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