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Get down from there! You need to go take your medicine.

I don't want to be at this hospital though and don't want to do these stupid treatments.

Well if you don't want to be here give your spot up to someone else who wants to be here and get better

Stella finds herself always noticing the guy that thinks he's too cool and the bad boy and when she finally talks to him she realizes that he really does not care about why he is at the hospital.

I'll help you manage your medicine and treatments okay? This way we can do them together and I can make sure you are actually doing them.

You should go out with me.

After getting to know the "bad boy" or, Will, Stella decides to help him manage his treatments and make sure he is actually grateful being at the hospital.

We are not here for that right now.

We can go on a date but we have to stay feet apart so we don't catch any bad sicknesses from each other.

Works for me!

Stella and Will now decide to go on a date but because they have cystic fibrosis they cannot touch each other or they could die, so they keep a long stick in between hem.

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