Ga hugas ni siya better if like nasa front ang cam habang ga hugas tas may speech bubble lang na ganito
Vote for Women
We are here today to bring change upon this nation
Notice Signs of Violence
It's gonna be all alright, I'll help you
Justice will be served.
Hey you, stop that!
A good way to start promoting gender equality is to eliminate any discrimination in the distribution of tasks within the household. Every adult must feel inclined to do any household chores without expecting a person to do it for them due to their gender.#160;
Do not Keep Silence
Women in politics are often faced with patriarchy and due to that unjust system, they often do not get elected or voted for. Even if they have the capabilities to do more, that's why you should vote for the most capable individual regardless of their gender.#160;
Provide Comprehensive Lectures
Be vigilant. Less than 40% of women who experience violence seek help. So be wary of any signs that a woman is being abused, they need help so you need to respond to any signs of them calling for help.
Be fair
You are hired.
Around 1 in 3 women face physical or sexual harassment around the globe. If you witness any harassment, never keep your silence. Always be an ally of justice and stand up for the people in front of you.
Promote anti-bias and diversity among people. Be indiscriminate and spread indiscrimination in any shape or form. People are people regardless of their gender or values.
Always be sensible. Jokes and other comments can be offensive. There is a time and place for everything
Always let your judgement be fair regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. Everyone deserves a chance for something including you and you should always keep that in mind.