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LA Project Two Roads storyboard

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LA Project Two Roads storyboard
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • Bye!!!!!
  • Bye!!!!
  • Bye!!!
  • Bye!!!!!
  • Pop tells Cal he is Creek Indian, then tells him that he has must go to Challagi for sometime. Pop is Cal's dad, they lost his farm so Pop will go to Washington to get his veteran money so they can recover the farm and money. 
  • Climax
  • When they get there, Cal sees a boy with a scar in his face, Possum, while Pop talks to Superintendent Morrel, who was Pops teacher back when he was a little kid
  • Falling Action
  • Over There!
  • Hello Cal!
  • Cal gets the vision and gets to save Pop with his friends Possum, Little Coon, and Deacon; in a horse to the train station and leaves Dakota, the horse there.
  • Resolution
  • Bye Son! See you soon!!!
  • Bye ill see you soon!
  •  When Cal tries to jump in the train a woman named Gale, reached her hand to help Cal get in.
  • When he gets to Washington, he finds Pop trusty friend, Corporal Esom Dart, that later helps Cal find Pop.
  • where's Pop?
  • Hi Pop!
  • Pop and Cal decide to go on separate ways to protect each other; Cal to Challagi and Pop stays fighting and helping in Washington, so they go in different roads.
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