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Life, growth and death of food poisoning bacteria

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Life, growth and death of food poisoning bacteria
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  • A kitchen where bacteria has been easily spread by raw foods mixing (cross contamination!), bad hygiene from the chefs, lots of flies and rats and dirty utensils!
  • Cross contamination- where raw meat carries deadly germs that would usually burn away whilst being cooked, however if they are spread to non- cooked foot and you eat them they could be very harmful.
  • Personal hygiene; this is all about keeping yourself clean and washing hands properly. Or else the germs and dirt from your hands could transfer to the food being prepared.
  • Pests and pest control. When working in the kitchen you must always make sure you have protection from insects and rats/rodents. They could eat, poo or lay eggs on your food. Avoid this by using mice traps, or fly covers.
  • Dirty equipment- a big part of working in the kitchen. All of the types of bacteria named previously could easily transfer to one another and into different meals and ingredients- wash up properly!!
  • Remember to always stay clean, healthy and happy!
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