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Cesar Chavez

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Cesar Chavez
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  • First, when Cesar Chavez turned ten, every summer night was like a fiesta. Almost every night Cesar and his brothers, sisters, and cousins would settle down to sleep outside. Cesar's uncles and aunts would sing and tell tales of life back in Mexico. But one day in 1937, Cesar and his family had to move to California.
  • Next, Cesar's old life had vanished. Cesar and his family were now migrants. Farm was hard and painful work. If Cesar pulled beets out of the ground, his hands would be cut and slice. And if Cesar put bug-killing chemicals on plants, his eyes would feel a sting and would make his lungs wheeze. Farm chores on someone else's farm was like an act of slavery. If anyone complained, the landowners would fire, beat up, or even murder the workers. The landowners wouldn't even provide clean water, access to the bathrooms, or even rest periods. Everything the landowners would do to the workers would disturb Cesar.
  • Soon after, when Cesar grew up he knew something had to change. So his goal was to talk people into joining his fight. At the first meeting Cesar organized, a group of women gathered. Cesar was in the corner because he was shy. After 20 minutes, the women wondered when the organizer would show up. Cesar said shyly that he was the organizer. Cesar was dying of embarrassment. But in a while, while he was explaining he showed a knack for solving problems. The women agreed with everything Cesar explained .
  • Then, the company fought back with everything from punches to bullets. If anyone considered to fight with violence, Cesar would refuse. Violence will only hurt La Causa.
  • Later, Cesar decided to organize a march of more than 300 miles. Cesar and his supporters would walk from Delano to the state capitol in Sacramento to ask for the government's help. Cesar and 67 other's rallying cry was Si Se Puede, or Yes, It Can Be Done. During the march they would cover an average of 15 miles a day. Cesar even developed painful blisters right away. Cesar and many others had blood seeping out of their shoes. One evening, Cesar received a message from the grape company. The officials from the grape company promised to give workers a contract, more money, and better conditions.
  • Finally, Cesar Chaves new that in a fight for justice truth is a better weapon than violence. Nonviolence Cesar says. We should use logic and mind instead of violence. The truth is better than violence. If we use violence the problem will become into a worse result. We have to think before we say something or do something. Anything than violence is better.
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