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And that, is my story but remember everyone's story and life as a non-binary person can look different! Any questions?

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

Good Morning class and thank you for being here today! As you all know today is our Gender Identity Presenter day so give a warm welcome to Dr. Sam Winter!

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

Thank you so much for the introduction! As said before my name is Sam Winter and I am here today to essentially tell my story, my journey through gender identity!

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

And even though this had been the case for all of my life I never really felt like I was 100% male.

My story began in College. When I first started my undergrad I fully identified as a man and used he/him pronouns.

Growing up in Texas there were only two choices: you were either a male or female and that was purely decided at birth.

I knew nothing and sex, gender, or sexuality until I moved to NJ and started college.


Gender, Sex, and Sexuality: What's the difference and Why does it Matter?

Sex: Biologically, not necessarily tied to gender

Gender: socially constructed, ex: female = caregivers

Sexuality: who someone is attracted to; could be 1 or more genders OR no gender at all

So as we've been discussing, sex, gender, and sexuality are NOT the same

Social Science Inquiry

WHAT??? So if sex, gender, and sexuality aren't the same thing... what does that mean to me?

Thank god he's going over this, now I feel more comfortable was coming out as non binary and bisexual

Hey there! My name is Gia and my pronouns are She/Her! Are you someone new to the concepts of sex, gender, and sexuality?

I know it can be confusing with all the different identities and terms used to define them but don't worry, let me show you around and introduce you to my friends and their identities!

However, before we do that let's start of with some basic terms!

Okay, so sex is biological and is basically determined by the reproductive parts you are born with. So think: vagina = "female" and penis = "male".

However, sex doesn't always directly translate to gender and FUN FACT: There are also more than 2 genders but we address that in part 2 so stay tuned!

For example, I was assigned female at birth and I identity as female! Gender can change at any point in throughout a persons life as they grow and discover who they are!

Gender, aka gender identity is the gender in which you socially associate with. This can either match or not match the sex you were assigned at birth.

Here comes my good friend Ryan, let's say hello!

Hi Ryan! I'm showing our friends here around and teaching them about sex, gender, and sexuality! Wanna introduce yourself, tell us your pronouns and identities?

Hey Gia, are you up to?

For sure!!

Hello Everyone! My name is Ryan, my pronouns are they/them and I identify as non-binary!

For those who don't know, what does it mean to be non-binary?

That's a great question! A non-binary person is a person who was assignment one sex at birth but as they grew they discovered they did not identity with it so they changed it. In my case I was born as a male but don't identify as a male and have done so for years!

Awesome Ryan! Is there anything you want to tell our friends here?

Gia, I gotta run to my 2:15 class but I'll see you tonight for game night! Bye friends, it was nice meeting you!

Actually, yes! Friends remember that pronouns are important so always ask for people's pronouns even if they "look" like one gender!

Bye Ryan, I'll see you tonight!

Ryan is such a good person and they're one of many of my friends on campus! Well, it's lunch time so let's go to the cafeteria, talk more, and meet my friends Ivonne, Jay, and Michelle!

Today's Specials: Foods from Around the World

Hi again! Okay, now that we've gone over sex and gender, it's time to talk about sexuality! And here to help me do this is my good friend Ivonne!

Hi there! My name is Ivonne and pronouns are she/her! I heard Gia was showing you around and teaching you about sex, gender, and sexuality so I thought I'd help!

In short terms, sexuality is who a person is sexually attracted to. This could be one gender, two genders, more than 2 genders, no genders, or no one at all. In my case I identity as asexual, which means I'm not sexually attracted to anyone like other people are.

Hey Michelle, Hey Jay! We were just showing about friends around and teaching them about sex, gender, and sexuality. Do you want to introduce yourselves and your identities?

I think I see Michelle and Jay, let's walk over!

My name is Michelle, my pronouns are she/they and I identify as a lesbian!

Sure! Hi there! My name is Jay, I use he/him pronouns and I identify as a bisexual man!

And if you had to define your identities what would they mean?

A bisexual person can be defined as a person who is attracted to 2 genders, in my case I am attracted to both men and women.

So for me being a lesbian, is generally a woman loving woman, in a romantic and/or sexual way. However, I believe that non-binary can also identity as lesbians!

Is there anything you'd like to tell our friends here about sex, gender, or sexuality?

And never feel pressured to come out, always make sure you feel safe and find support in people you love and trust!

Of course, friends always be true to yourself and remember that it is always okay to change and transform!

In order to understand these concepts here's a video to help illustrated differences!

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

Even though it might seem silly to some, that video was the beginning of my journey into my gender expression. That Ryan kid really stood out to me. Slowly I started coming as non-binary.

You're WHAT? You know WE don't do that right???


Where did we go wrong! We failed you as parents!

I remember coming out to people, like my parents...

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

That conversation really hurt. I remember I didn't speak to my family for weeks for my emotional safety. They called me a freak and selfish, it wasn't easy. Eventually however, they came around and I know I'm lucky!

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At that point I came out to my friends who were really supportive, just what I needed! I remember being so nervous!!

I just wanted to let you all know what I'm changing my pronouns to they/them and identify as non-binary!

That's great news Sam! We're so happy you felt comfy coming out to us!

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

They were so happy I felt comfortable being my true self around them. They asked me so many questions regarding how I would like to be addressed, who knew so they knew about to address me around other people!

I even told them what happened with you family and they offered to ask their families if I could stay with them, just in case things became difficult with them.

Is there anything we can do to make you feel more comfy around other people?

After I came out to some people, I started experimenting with different clothing styles; trying to figure out how I would feel by best ..

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

Eventually I found a style that made me feel comfortable! And I learn that gender does not equal clothes so one day I were pants, the next I wear a dress!

But things haven't always been easy. There are times in which I go out and am constantly misgendered because of the way I'm dressed.

Hi sir! Did you find everything you needed today?

Hello! Yes I did, but I should let you know that I'm non-binary and my pronouns are they/them!

And what can I get you two ladies?

My sibling is non-binary and actually goes by they/them pronouns so they aren't a lady or a man!

I'll have the steak please

So what are we getting done today my guy?

Sam here is non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns instead of him/her so he's not a guy

Here we go again...

*sigh* I wish people would ask and not just assume anything

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

But the reality is, it wouldn't have been easier. So I did the hardest thing I'd ever done: I sought out help. I found a therapist.

In therapy I worked hard on my imposter syndrome, negative thoughts. Eventually those thoughts turned into motivation.

Being constantly misgendered really took a toll on me. Don't get me wrong once or twice, I can understand but it was all day everyday.

It messes with your brain, you start doubt who you are. I started believing I should just conform, be a "man". After all it would be easier.

I decided to go back to school, get my masters, and then my doctorate.

TODAY: Gender Identity Presenter!

I've made it my life's mission to share my story in hopes of helping others find themselves.

So if anyone one of you related to my story, remember you're alone, you're not weird, or evil, you are you and that is more than enough!

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