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Social Anxiety Disorder

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Social Anxiety Disorder
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Texte du Storyboard

  • So today we will learn about social anxiety disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • People with social anxiety disorder always feel like people are looking at them even though they are not
  • Are they looking at me?
  • They feel like people are always talking about them and judging them even though they are not actually doing that.
  • I'm sure they are saying bad things about me
  • They have a fear of being in an embarrassing situation.
  • Presentations
  • I can't mess this up or else they will laugh at me
  • They worry too much about how they look.
  • Do I even look alright?
  • For those who have social anxiety disorder should probably go see a professional or at least start by talking more often to those who are close to you.
  • Hi. So I wanted to talk to you about....
  • Hey what's up! How have you been? So what did you want to talk about?
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