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Haitian Revolution Leaders- Henry Christophe

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Haitian Revolution Leaders- Henry Christophe
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  • Join me and let's continue to fight for Haiti!
  • Henry Christophe a former leader in the Haitian revolution, also known as the King of Haiti was born on October 6th 1767. Henry grew up as a free black and soon gained a reputation for fighting alongside Toussaint O'Louverture and Jean Jacques Dessalines during the revolution.
  • Christophe joined Toussaint's army and became one of his most important generals, he aided him in defeating the French and British.
  • After Toussaint was imprisoned, sent to France and later passed away Christophe continued to fight in the revolution by joining Dessalines. It was before long when Haiti was declared an Independent nation.
  • In 1806 Dessalines was assassinated, Christophe ruled north Haiti and proclaimed president. then shortly after declared himself King of Haiti.
  • During this time Christophe began trying to help restore the plantations, rebuild the towns and strengthening the armies for the protection of Haiti.
  • In August, 1820 Henry Christophe suffered a heart attack and soon died.
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