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Harrison Burgeron Satire

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Harrison Burgeron Satire
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  • All our houses are the same color
  • We all act alike, nobody ever acts different than anybody else
  • We all think alike, no thought or action is unalike anyone else's
  • I have never seen a blue sky, its always gray
  • Everyone is the same
  • Everyone must wear gray, never a bright or colorful outfit
  • Nobody is allowed to express themselves or be different
  • Look George, the ballerina on TV is talking about our son!
  • Harrison Burgeron has escaped from jail, he is a very dangerous individual
  • An escape tunnel!!!
  • I am the Emperor of the world!!!!! I shall choose my Empress......
  • In the story "Harrison Burgeron", Kurt Vonnegut uses much evident satire and irony within the events of the tale, almost providing a humorous accent within the story. However, although using a bit of hyperbole within his writings, the storyteller is also trying to explain what would happen if all people were forced to be exactly the same. God made us all different and diverse, no person alike. He created us with flaws and imperfections, with beauty and elegance, to diversify each and every person in their own way. Vonnegut uses this to ridicule an indistinguishable world, showing the reader what the world would be like if everyone was the same, how it would be colorless and plain. Vonnegut establishes a clear insight within the reader's mind, how the future would be if we let someone control everyone, attempting to rid people of being different. The author also uses fear within his story, where George is afraid that the world will become extremely competitive and no one will be happy if everyone goes back to being themselves. Vonnegut's use of satire throughout the entire story is brilliant because it gives the reader a full outlook on a dull world where everyone is the exact same, where there is no diverse culture or different people. This teaches the crucial morals of how everyone is different in their own special way, that God created us to have different ideas and thoughts, how we all need to be proud of who we are, how we all need to respect each other, and never question God's creation because we are all special in our own way.
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