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Angelman’s Syndrome

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Angelman’s Syndrome
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  • And what would this genetic disorder do to him? Will he die soon? Will he be sick forever?
  • hello, The tests just came out and I'm sorry to break it to you, but your son has a genetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome
  • At the hospital: prenatal genetic test
  • ohh no, what is Angelman Syndrome? i hope it's not that bad
  • Angelman syndrome is a type of genetic disorder,it means that they are born with it. This can slow the person’s mental growth. Here are some signs and symptoms we can be assure that your child has Angelman syndrome: he may have difficulties in talking (minimal speech), can’t balance himself by moving and walking, have thinking disability, and sometimes seizures.They also have an excitable personality, where they frequently smile. But that big problem is they cannot be cured.
  • Can you give me more features that shows he has it?
  • Well, at the age of 2 or 3 the seizures begin, and can be jumpy and make stiff movements, his skin and hair would be light in color, and have sleep problems where he could have Trouble going to sleep and staying asleep, also Unusual behaviors, such as hand flapping and arms uplifted while walking.
  • The ‘Dubai center for special needs’ also have tablets that has the best apps to communicate with people that have angelman’s syndrome. Therefore, we asked them if it’s fine to buy tablet and they said it’s a great idea, but those apps are payed for. We said that we will do anything to make our child feel better so we bought an iPad 8th generation, 1,316 AED and bought 6different apps that cost us 897 AED.
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