Nobody cared about him. Nobody understood him. Nobody knew what it was like living with parents who wished he wasn't alive
This is a Conflict showing Man Vs Self, I say this because in the text it shows his beating himself up, putting him in a very dark place, to where he doesn't know where to go next. This scene is of him burning his supplies, when he first got on the island and he was in blind face.
This is Man vs Man because in this scene, starting on page 55, Cole and his dad argue, Cole saying he is getting abused and his Father saying hes done no such thing!
Cole's Mom
The Keeper
I don't beat you and you know that." His face flushed red. "I've given you swats when you deserve them!"
Cole's Dad
In the scene it show Man vs Nature, as Cole struggles to live, trying to regain energy from the world around his, and that same world is sucking all the energy out of him.
Cole grunted angrily—he didn‟t want to die yet.Yes, someday that would be part of his circle.Someday he would lie in his own waste and be eatenby maggots. But not now! Suddenly, in that moment,Cole made a simple decision.